Season 5 Episode 17 – Time and Lube Heal All Wounds

Fanfics read:
Toaster Face (by eerosama)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Val, Shawn, GraphicSloth, Mirri

Start your Friday off right with some breakfast. How about some toast? But… “by start “right” we mean start very, very wrong. This is Friday Night Fanfiction after all. In “Toaster Face” by Eerosama Lady Gaga gets fresh with a cooking toaster. Yeah. It was pretty awful.

Then we move on to indie game sensation, Undertale. It’s a first for us here on the show and in “THE WORST FUCKING UNDERTALE FANFICTION” by TerribleWriterWithTerribleStories we get quite the introduction. Join us on a quest for boning literally anyone or anything in the game… and it still didn’t happen. But a lot of walls were broken, particularly the 4th one.


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