Season 6 Episode 5 – Vagina of Wonders

Fanfics read:
The Fanfic Critic and Her Vagina Of Wonders (by Mylokitty)
Lesbian Jesus and her Heavenly Wedding (by Mylokitty)
Forbiden Fruit The Tempation of Edward Cullen (cleaner version, by BeckyMac666 and SimJan)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, SimJan

SimJan joins us for a duo and a half (we couldn’t finish, and yes we’re used to feeling that way) of stories about very strange women with even stranger sexual tendencies. First, a set of stories about the FanFic Critic by Mylokitty. We begin with exploring the Vagina of Wonders and end up at a magical lesbian wedding in the afterlife. After getting juicy and moist spelunking in those vaginal caverns, we move on to a SimJan-edited version of Forbidden Fruit by BeckyMac666. It’s basically the My Immortal of the Twilight world (somehow apparently worse than Brewdening Love). Don’t smock dope in the lockar room, kids!

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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