Fanfics read:
Daddydorf 2 Coming Home To You (by Th3Baron)
Mass Effect Milk Madness (by DiegoSandiego)
A Belmont In Castlevania Episode 1 – The Mad Forest (by Ryxixi)
The Secret of the scopius doll (by Daddy of Dumptruck Chreg Bortz)
Readers: Stevo, Val, Logan, Shawn, Disdonn, Cassie
So I’m just gonna come out and say it: I’m drunk and I haven’t slept much in the past few days. So we read a bunch of stuff, and also had a lot of fun. Cassie and Disdonn were guests. Insert whatever words you want for the next paragraph. Enjoy!
Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!
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