Season 9 Episode 18 – The Detroit Tigers would be less popular if they were The Detroit Barbed Penises

Fanfics read:
Pizzapoon (by ZoisiteMoon)
Pizzapoon 2 Electric Boogaloo (by ZoisiteMoon)
Pizzapoon III The Threequel (by ZoisiteMoon)
Kong (by Porngirl180)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn

And we finished the Season YAAAAAAAAAY!

Season 9 draws to a close with the epic trilogy of Pizzapoon. The core hosts read their firsts (and probably their lasts) Uncle Grandpa fanfics. We had some more time at the end so we read about a normal human-sized woman getting a giant gorilla off. You know these summaries don’t do a single bit of justice to the show so just listen, ya know?

Season 10’s sign up sheet will be open until December 4th, 2019. The sheet is up on our website under the “Be a Guest” tab. The Season will start on December 11th, then go away for two weeks because of prior obligations and then Christmas. After that, Season 10 Episode 2 comes back on the first day of 2020. We look forward to growing into double digits with you all!

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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