Season 12 Episode 3 – Slow Dancing with Chinese Food

Fanfics read:
A Radiator Springs Orgy (by daddychat)
Squid’s Ward (by diesir) 

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn

Brief description because this is already late in posting! Val is probably out until Christmas because of school! This is our first episode with guests in it!

Beth and Sam join as the first guests of Season 12 wherein we read about a Cars orgy, Squidward’s barnacle, and Stevo gets yelled at for talking about his work friend named Guido.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

Direct Episode Download (right-click and save, please only use this is you are unable to download it from Soundcloud)
Direct Episode Download (FLAC) (right-click and save)