Season 4 Episode 11 – Please Don’t Use This Stalactite as a Dildo

Fanfics read:
Star Wars – Episode VII a NUDE hope (by tribalTAT)
Dreams are eternal, search for the true story (by Michael Johnson)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, HerrWozzek
Referee: Val

In this episode, we conclude our Star Wars journey from last week: tribalTAT’s “Star Wars – Episode VII: a NUDE hope“. It just kept getting worse and worse until we hit a cliffhanger. And now we’re plummeting off that cliff into a painful abyss.

After that, we revisit one of Friday Night Fanfiction‘s white whale fics… For a third time. Yup, it’s “Sonic in the Search for Love”! Previously another fan (thanks, DG20016!) wrote an alternate ending to that horrible story, and now OathkeeperRoxasxNamine09 does the same with “Dreams are eternal, search for the true story”

You know, we thought we were done. And then we thought we were done again. Join us for emotional whiplash and another crude adventure!

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