Season 9 Episode 3 – You touch anywhere on my bed, you’ll be where my balls have been

Fanfics read:
Vegeta Gets Stoned (by TwitchySeaHorse)
Boku No Hero Asscademia – Episode 69 All Dick & MidWHOREia (by HotCockOnTheRockYUM98)
Dim Cast Light (by AzenaKira)
take and give (by venvephe)
Erina’s Lunch (by snakebit1995)
THE EX (by LilRamona)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn

Ooooo, experimentation time! Yesssssss….

In this episode of FNF, the core crew goes at it a different way. We have five stories where each host is assigned a role (well, most of the time, anyway) and we treat it like a low-budget audio drama. Actually, that’s more like a no-budget audio drama. There’s no sound effects, there’s no attempt at giving believable performances, but we each have roles, so we’re halfway there! The last story in the listing is read in our regular style because we did too much too quickly and Stevo didn’t have enough time to modify another fic. Be on the look out for All Might being in literally every anime ever, now.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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